Infographic – The Evolution of Communication


An interesting infographic from Mikogo Online Meetings showing the evolution of communication from our earliest days, when people relied on courier services, pigeons and even drums for communication. In 1940, only 3 people could make calls simultaneously in any one city. Today over 34,000 phone calls are made in the US every second,  over 300 million tweets are made daily, … Read More

What Happens in an Internet Minute?


Internet Minute

Great new infographic from Intel showing what happens in 1 internet minute, from their analysis of major traffic sources. Some of the highlights: Every minute, 639,800GB of global IP data is transferred Amazon rings up about $83,000 in sales 204 million e-mails are sent 20 million photos are viewed on Flickr Twitter processes 100,000 new tweets and 320 new Twitter … Read More